Wet Macular Degeneration: Risk Factors, Symptoms, And Treatment

Wet macular degeneration is a disease that causes bleeding in the eye (specifically the macula region). This ends up causing vision loss. It is related to macular degeneration, though it involves bleeding, unlike regular macular degeneration which is sometimes called "dry." The disease can be treated, but it is important that it is caught early. The damage to the eye cannot be reversed, but the bleeding can be lessened or stopped, which will prevent the scarring of the macular and retain some vision. Below are some risk factors, as well as symptoms. Finally, a brief overview of the treatment will be presented so that you know what your eye doctor can do for you.

Risk Factors For Wet Macular Degeneration

A family history of macular degeneration is a significant risk factor. Also, light colored eyes is a risk factor. People with blue eyes and a family history of macular degeneration (wet or regular) need to be particularly conscious of the risk. Those are things you cannot control, but other things are lifestyle issues that can be addressed. Smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and heavy drinking are all risk factors. So, if you have a familial history and blue eyes, then try and correct any negative lifestyle choices possible.


One of the telltale signs of wet macular degeneration is seeing straight lines as wavy. This can be diagnosed by looking at an Amsler grid. If you see wavy lines on the grid (which is composed of straight lines) then you need to schedule an eye exam and have a doctor determine if you have a serious issue. 

Another symptom is a loss of vision but in an unusual way. The eye will begin to not see what is in the center your sight line; instead you will only have peripheral vision. This is another telltale sign.

Other common symptoms include blurry spots and a lack of focus.


Wet macular degeneration is problematic because it involves veins that grow behind the macula, and they then cause blood to leak into the eye (this won't be visible to you, only a doctor will see it using special instruments). This leaking blood causes scar tissue. In order to treat this problem, the veins need to stop growing. The doctor will choose a chemical that can inhibit the abnormal vein growth. Many people flinch when they hear that the medicine needs to be injected into the eyeball (it can't be taken as a pill), but rest assured it is painless, even though it sounds awful. It is the only way to stop the bleeding from continuing and stop the vision loss.

For more information, contact a doctor like Evans, Robt. L Dr.
